Meet Accelerator (again).
Saten in action.
Angry Mikoto failed to even lay a hand on Accelerator, even with her best “railgun” move. Just when Accelerator is going to kill her, a bunch of Misaka clones appear and explain to Accelerator that killing the original will not make his “schedule” to reach level 6 any faster, it even can destroy the project. And so Mikoto remains alive.
Determined to end her clones’ cruel fate, Mikoto hacked into the servers of laboratories involved in the project and make them self-destruct (man, that’s a neat ability). Her “remote” attempt to destroy all records of her DNA map only manages to destroy 70% of them, so she must take care of the remaining 30% by physically coming to the locations.
Kuroko and the other three realize there’s something different with Mikoto, but decide not to respect her privacy.
The second half of episode 7 is basically filler. The Judgement team is helping a boy to find a four-leaf clover as a farewell present to his friend. A little calm before the storm, I guess.
By the end of episode 8, only 2 locations remaining for Mikoto to destroy. But I guess the last 2 won’t be that easy, as clearly someone already realizes that those destruction were done using her power. They must have prepared some surprise in the last locations.
Having said that, if Mikoto comes as a combo with Kuroko, I’m quite sure they’re invincible. But she’s alone in doing her action now, and not in the clearest mind, I would say. So there’s a possibility of things turn into worse next episode. We shall wait and see.