Spice and Wolf Light Novel 14

Spice and Wolf Light Novel 14

spice-and-wolf-light-novel-cover-14The fourteenth book of Spice and Wolf (Ookami to Koushinryou) by Isuna Hasekura in EPUB and MOBI format.

I have a confession. I usually haven’t read the volumes that I released by the time I made them available. The pattern was: finished the conversion, made it available, then I would find time to read it later. As a result, there were so many obvious mistakes. This volume 14 is the first volume that I started reading before I make it available, albeit not finished (yet). As per today, I have read around 30% of this book and have fixed conversion mistakes up to the point of my latest read. Obviously there will be minor fixes when I finish reading this volume in the next few days.

Fair warning : please respect the writer’s work. If you like this light novel and it is available to purchase legally in your country, please buy a legal copy of the book.

EPUB link : MF | TI
MOBI link : MF | TI
(revision 0, last update 9 Apr 2016)


As I explained when I first started this conversion project, I decided to do my own version of Spice and Wolf in EPUB format (then added MOBI format). The process of converting PDF to EPUB is not as simple as clicking a button. Yes there are all-purpose converters like Calibre. The PDF that I got is actually image files attached together as PDF. When Calibre “converts” the PDF to EPUB, it does not detect the text inside the pages’ image files and treated the file like a comic book. The conversion result is not something nice to read in any mobile reader. So, there is only once option left: to do manual work, hours of work just for one book. But the result is good and worth it.

Why in EPUB format? I prefer EPUB format for my e-books because it’s more comfortable to read in smartphones, e-readers and tablets. EPUB is widely supported by various brands. You can open EPUB books in Nook reader, Kobo reader, Sony Reader, iPhone, iPod, iPad, Android smartphone or Android tablet. It will automatically adjust to whatever screen size you have. Plus giving us the ability to change the font size, to get the best reading experience. The MOBI format (for Kindle readers) is derived from EPUB version with minor adjustments.

By “manual work”, I don’t mean that I have to re-type the entire thing. No, that’s not what I did. It would take forever and I won’t have time (or patience) to do that. What I did is using a software to convert the entire text from the image files, have it extracted as plain text, then start doing “manual” editing to remove page numbers, hyphenation issues (thousands of them), quotes, and some conversion and formatting errors. I’m a perfectionist when it comes to books I like, so I want the best possible EPUB and MOBI files created.


Since I was doing manual editing, I need to check the words and sentences manually. So please let me know if I missed something. Thank you.



14 thoughts on “Spice and Wolf Light Novel 14

  1. Hello! I recently just found your site too and I think it’s the best thing yet! I myself used calibre to convert my own PDF versions of the books but somehow it didn’t turn out as nice and awesome as yours! Thanks for all the effort because its truly awesome!

  2. Holy shit dude I just want to say thank you. Like seriously. Reading books on the kindle is way more convenient and your hard work makes it so much easier to enjoy spice and wolf. TY

  3. Hello!

    I just found your website. I’m amazed by the quality of your hard work, your dedication and determination to make this type of project possible. I’ve never heard of Spice Wolf before and I’m excited to read it for the first time.

    I love Kindle Books. I’m studying as a graphic designer and I plan on learning how to edit kindle books evenhough it’s not the main focus of my career, at least in my country (because physical books prevail, well I guess they are the most common way to read books…). I would love to contact you and get to know about the process to make this projects you have, happen. I feel this is more than a hobby and it’s a passion of yours. I would be pleased to learn the skills to do this.

    I’m pleased to have found such an amazing website. I felt naive but I’m still amazed by what you do.

    Anyway, sorry to take up your time, but I hope you have the time to reply me. Thank you!

  4. By the way, I have some experience doing converting. If you need any help for the last 3 volumes feel free to email me. I will gladly help!

  5. First off, thank you for all of your hard work. Seriously. After finishing SnWs anime, I immediately went into a deprived state of mind that was akin to my Code Geass withdrawals from 8th grade. I hunted down all of the light novels one by one and faithfully read all of them as a devout follower of her holoness. However, no matter what the precious volumes 13 and 14 continued to elude my capture in epub format. No more I say. No more! Thank you very much! Don’t work yourself too hard and you’ve earned a spot on my bookmarks!

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