After last week’s incident, now Yukine is scared of everything. His weak mental state is affecting Yato. At the worst possible state, Yato reunites with his old enemy: Bishamon, the strongest God of Combat.
In the past, Yato killed one of Bishamon’s shinki. We’re still not clear about his reason or what really happened back then, but it’s very clear that Bishamon really wants to kill Yato. With only one shinki in unstable mental condition, Yato doesn’t have much chance. Thanks to Hiyori’s request, Kofuku comes to “rescue” Yato. But as a result, she creates a new disaster using her shinki. Bishamon seems to have high respect to Kofuku. And it seems that Kofuku’s help will come with a price for Hiyori to pay.
A decent episode. Slightly better than last week and I’m happy to see Kofuku’s power in action. But this episode still can’t get me excited. Hopefully it’ll get better soon.