Links for Spice and Wolf are fixed

Links for Spice and Wolf are fixed

spice-and-wolf-updated-links-jun-2015Some of you might notice that all download links for Spice and Wolf light novel no longer worked since few weeks ago. I just updated all download links. For now, I decide to use 2 file servers: and

Hopefully my epub files will not get deleted in these 2 new servers. Please let me know if you still experience any issue with download. Sorry it took few weeks for me to fix the links. I was super busy with work deadline.

Rest assured, I will finish the EPUB conversion of Spice and Wolf until the last volume.



12 thoughts on “Links for Spice and Wolf are fixed

  1. Honestly the best. You have no idea how grateful I am. These spice and wolf epubs are probably the only ones circulating the net. Thanks alot.

  2. Hello! I just wanna say that I’ve found volume 13-15 pdf versions of yen press translations. Let me know if you needed one for your reference. Thanks!

  3. Thank you very much! I’m reading Spice and Wolf now, I was thinking in doing the same conversion and found your blog.

    ABBYY FineReader is great for OCR, I tested with english Spice and Wolf LN (PDF) and with japanese Rokka no Yuusha LN (images). For RAW japanese LN I was testing machine translation with Voiceroid, works great, like a Visual Novel. You can see de test with Rokka no Yuusha RAW in this video:

    You can add Google Drive as a mirror, works as a great file server.

    English isn’t my first language, so please excuse any mistakes.

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