Far in the future, on a planet named Uminoakeboshi, a young girl named Marika suddenly got a news that the father she never met just passed away, and she is now the successor to become the next captain of space pirate ship Bentenmaru. In this universe, there are few space pirate ships who can actually do “legal” pirating, acknowledged by the government, thanks for some history of those pirates helping in some war.
And so we have a first-year high school girl, who is also a captain of a space ship. The real fun part of the story starts from Marika’s character. She’s smart, she makes very quick decisions, and she’s good in executing that decision. I was skeptical about this anime at first. Watching the first few episodes and found myself hooked, waiting for the next episode eagerly every week. The story is fun, and the future concept they offer is somewhat believable for me. Nice anime with futuristic touch, space battles, zero gravity actions and some actual nice storyline. Recommended for all ages. My rating : ★★★★☆ Seiyuu
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haha. best anime ever. Thanks for this awesome post.