Yune, a young Japanese girl, is starting her new life in Paris, France. This anime tells a story about culture differences in the 19th century is a sweet way.
A small blacksmith shop in Paris called Enseignes du Roy is managed by Claude Claudel. One day, Oscar Claudel (Claude’s grandfather) returns to Paris after his trip to Japan and brings more than just Japanese souvenirs. Oscar brings Yune to live together with them. If you’re looking for an easy watching anime, this is the one. The art work is impressive; the setting is different; Yune’s cuteness is irresistible. Actually I would looove to hear this anime speaking French instead of Japanese (well, the setting IS in Paris anyway), but I guess I am expecting too much =) Recommended for all ages. My rating : ★★★☆☆ Seiyuu
Alternative Title Links You are listening to Koko kara Hajimaru Monogatari by Touyama Nao (ending theme) |