Anime Awards

Forever AwardMoe AwardCool AwardBrave AwardFunny AwardHeart AwardSmart AwardTsundere AwardTears AwardClumsy AwardFashion Award

Balamiere Awards for anime characters, sorted alphabetically.

Forever Award is awarded to best characters who will be remembered forever by anime lovers.
Moe Award is awarded to the moe-est, the cutest, the sweetest, kawaii anime characters.
Cool Award is awarded to the coolest anime characters.
Brave Award is awarded to the bravest anime characters.
Funny Award is awarded to the funniest anime characters.
Heart Award is awarded to anime characters with purest heart.
Smart Award is awarded to the smartest anime characters.
Tsundere Award is awarded to the best tsundere characters.
Tears Award is awarded to anime characters who successfully made us cry.
Clumsy Award is awarded to clumsy anime characters who capture our hearts.
Fashion Award is awarded to anime characters with best clothes / dresses.
For Japanese names, family name is written before given names. This is to adapt how Japanese people mention their own names when they introduce themselves.

char-ika-musume-aizawa-chizuru Cool Award
Aizawa Chizuru
Shinryaku! Ika Musume
char-ookami-akai-ringo Moe Award
Akai Ringo
Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakamatachi
char-rosario-vampire-akashiya-moka Moe Award
Akashiya Moka
Rosario + Vampire
char-k-on-akiyama-mio Moe AwardClumsy Award
Akiyama Mio
char-video-girl-ai-amano-ai Tears Award
Amano Ai
Video Girl Ai
char-mahoromatic-andou-mahoro Moe Award
Andou Mahoro
char-mahoraba-aoba-kozue Moe AwardHeart Award
Aoba Kozue
Mahoraba Heartful Days
char-haruhi-asahina-mikuru Moe AwardFashion Award
Asahina Mikuru
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu
char-evangelion-asuka-langley-soryu Tsundere Award
Asuka Langley Soryu
Neon Genesis Evangelion
char-evangelion-ayanami-rei Forever AwardCool Award
Ayanami Rei
Neon Genesis Evangelion
char-chihayafuru-ayase-chihaya Cool AwardSmart Award
Ayase Chihaya
char-amagami-ss-ayatsuji-tsukasa Forever Award
Ayatsuji Tsukasa
Amagami SS
char-ah-my-goddess-belldandy Heart Award
Ah! My Goddess
char-hand-maid-may-cbd-may Moe Award
Cyberdoll May
Hand Maid May
char-mahoraba-chanohata-tamami Smart Award
Chanohata Tamami
Mahoraba Heartful Days
char-hyouka-chitanda-eru Moe Award
Chitanda Eru
char-seikai-no-senki-ekuryua Cool Award
Seikai no Senki
char-clannad-fujibayashi-kyou Moe AwardCool Award
Fujibayashi Kyou
char-clannad-furukawa-nagisa Forever AwardMoe AwardHeart Award
Furukawa Nagisa
char-mar-ginta Cool AwardBrave Award
Märchen Awakens Romance
char-dnangel-harada-riku Moe AwardSmart Award
Harada Riku
char-kiminozo-hayase-mitsuki Moe AwardTears Award
Hayase Mitsuki
Kimi ga Nozomu Eien
char-inuyasha-higurashi-kagome Brave Award
Higurashi Kagome
char-k-on-hirasawa-yui Forever AwardMoe AwardFunny Award
Hirasawa Yui
char-rozen-maiden-hina-ichigo Moe AwardFunny Award
Hina Ichigo
Rozen Maiden
char-spice-and-wolf-holo Forever AwardCool AwardSmart Award
Spice and Wolf
char-ano-hana-honma-meiko-menma Heart AwardTears Award
Honma Meiko
Ano Hana
char-ika-musume-ika-musume Moe AwardFunny AwardClumsy Award
Ika Musume
Shinryaku! Ika Musume
char-kokoro-connect-inaba-himeko Cool AwardSmart Award
Inaba Himeko
Kokoro Connect
char-inuyasha-inuyasha Forever AwardCool AwardBrave Award
char-true-tears-isurugi-noe Moe AwardHeart AwardTears Award
Isurugi Noe
True Tears
char-sister-princess-karen Moe Award
Sister Princess
char-akasaka-katagiri-yuuhi Moe Award
Katagiri Yuuhi
Akane-iro ni Somaru Saka
char-mouretsu-pirates-kato-marika Brave AwardSmart Award
Kato Marika
Mouretsu Pirates
char-hayate-no-gotoku-katsura-hinagiku Moe AwardCool Award
Katsura Hinagiku
Hayate no Gotoku
char-amaenaideyo-kazusano-kazuki Moe Award
Kazusano Kazuki
Amaenaideyo Katsu!
char-cardcaptor-sakura-kinomoto-sakura Heart AwardFashion Award
Kinomoto Sakura
Cardcaptor Sakura
char-sword-art-online-kirito Forever AwardCool AwardBrave AwardSmart Award
Kirigaya Kazuto (Kirito)
Sword Art Online
char-ookami-kiriki-rist Smart Award
Kiriki Rist
Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakamatachi
char-full-moon-wo-sagashite-kouyama-mitsuki Tears Award
Kouyama Mitsuki
Full Moon wo Sagashite
char-accel-world-kurashima-chiyuri Moe AwardSmart Award
Kurashima Chiyuri
Accel World
char-mouretsu-pirates-kurihara-chiaki Tsundere Award
Kurihara Chiaki
Mouretsu Pirates
char-accel-world-kuroyukihime Moe AwardCool Award
Accel World
char-immse-kuzuha-fuuko Forever AwardMoe AwardClumsy Award
Kuzuha Fuuko
I My Me! Strawberry Eggs
char-death-note-l Smart Award
Death Note
char-seikai-no-senki-lafiel Cool AwardBrave AwardFashion Award
Seikai no Senki
char-kaleido-star-layla-hamilton Forever AwardCool AwardFashion Award
Layla Hamilton
Kaleido Star
char-zero-no-tsukaima-louise Tsundere Award
Zero no Tsukaima
char-steins-gate-makise-kurisu Cool AwardSmart Award
Makise Kurisu
char-hayate-no-gotoku-maria Moe AwardSmart Award
Hayate no Gotoku
char-final-approach-masuda-shizuka Moe Award
Masuda Shizuka
Final Approach
char-sumomomo-momomo-minamoto-iroha Moe Award
Minamoto Iroha
Sumomo mo Momo mo
char-galaxy-angel-mint-blancmanche Moe AwardSmart Award
Mint Blancmanche
Galaxy Angel
char-to-aru-kagaku-no-railgun-misaka-mikoto Forever AwardCool AwardTsundere Award
Misaka Mikoto
To Aru Kagaku no Railgun
char-pitaten-misha Moe AwardHeart Award
char-ef-miyamura-miyako Moe AwardHeart Award
Miyamura Miyako
ef – a tale of memories
char-sola-morimiya-aono Moe AwardCool Award
Morimiya Aono
char-amagami-ss-morishima-haruka Moe Award
Morishima Haruka
Amagami SS
char-kaleido-star-naegino-sora Brave AwardFashion Award
Naegino Sora
Kaleido Star
char-akasaka-nagase-minato Moe Award
Nagase Minato
Akane-iro ni Somaru Saka
char-angel-beats-nakamura-yuri Brave AwardSmart Award
Nakamura Yuri
Angel Beats
char-amagami-ss-nanasaki-ai Forever AwardCool AwardHeart Award
Nanasaki Ai
Amagami SS
char-amaenaideyo-nanbu-chitose Moe Award
Nanbu Chitose
char-love-hina-narusegawa-naru Forever AwardMoe Award
Narusegawa Naru
Love Hina
char-death-note-near Smart Award
Death Note
char-ichigo-100-nishino-tsukasa Forever AwardMoe AwardSmart Award
Nishino Tsukasa
Ichigo 100%
char-oda-nobuna-no-yabou-nobuna-oda Brave AwardTsundere Award
Nobuna Oda
Oda Nobuna no Yabou
char-nogizaka-haruka-nogizaka-haruka Moe Award
Nogizaka Haruka
Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu
char-steins-gate-okabe-rintarou Smart Award
Okabe Rintarou
char-hyouka-oreki-houtarou Smart Award
Oreki Houtarou
char-scrapped-princess-raquel-casull Brave AwardHeart Award
Raquel Casull
Scrapped Princess
char-ff8-rinoa-heartilly Forever Award
Rinoa Heartilly
Final Fantasy VIII
char-fate-stay-night-saber Cool AwardBrave Award
Fate/Stay Night
char-clannad-sakagami-tomoyo Cool Award
Sakagami Tomoyo
char-shakugan-no-shana-sakai-yuuji Cool AwardBrave AwardSmart Award
Sakai Yuuji
Shakugan no Shana
char-ai-yori-aoshi-sakuraba-aoi Forever AwardHeart Award
Sakuraba Aoi
Ai Yori Aoshi
char-galaxy-angel-sakuraba-milfeulle Forever AwardMoe AwardFunny Award
Sakuraba Milfeulle
Galaxy Angel
char-sister-princess-sakuya Moe Award
Sister Princess
char-ranma-saotome-ranma Cool AwardFunny Award
Saotome Ranma
Ranma ½
char-shakugan-no-shana-shana Moe AwardCool AwardTsundere Award
Shakugan no Shana
char-pitaten-shia Moe AwardClumsy Award
char-shuffle-shigure-asa Forever AwardMoe AwardSmart Award
Shigure Asa
char-sola-shihou-matsuri Moe AwardHeart AwardTears Award
Shihou Matsuri
char-ef-shindou-chihiro Moe AwardTears Award
Shindou Chihiro
ef – a tale of memories
char-ef-shindou-kei Moe Award
Shindou Kei
ef – a tale of memories
char-rozen-maiden-shinku Cool Award
Rozen Maiden
char-zero-no-tsukaima-siesta Moe Award
Zero no Tsukaima
char-hack-sign-subaru Cool Award
char-rozen-maiden-suiseiseki Moe Award
Rozen Maiden
char-nagasarete-airantou-suzu Moe AwardHeart Award
Nagasarete Airantou
char-angelic-layer-suzuhara-misaki Smart Award
Suzuhara Misaki
Angelic Layer
char-kiminozo-suzumiya-akane Moe AwardCool Award
Suzumiya Akane
Kimi ga Nozomu Eien
char-haruhi-suzumiya-haruhi Forever AwardMoe Award
Suzumiya Haruhi
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu
char-angel-beats-tachibana-kanade Moe AwardCool AwardHeart Award
Tachibana Kanade
Angel Beats
char-amagami-ss-tachibana-miya Funny Award
Tachibana Miya
Amagami SS
char-kanata-kara-tachiki-noriko Moe AwardBrave AwardHeart Award
Tachiki Noriko
Kanata Kara
char-chuunibyou-takanashi-rikka Moe Award
Takanashi Rikka
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai
char-fate-stay-night-tohsaka-rin Brave AwardSmart Award
Tohsaka Rin
Fate/Stay Night
char-kanon-tsukimiya-ayu Forever AwardMoe Award
Tsukimiya Ayu
char-gosick-victorique-de-blois Moe AwardSmart Award
Victorique de Blois
char-is-yoshizuki-iori Moe Award
Yoshizuki Iori
char-mai-otome-yumemiya-arika Moe AwardHeart Award
Yumemiya Arika
Mai Otome
char-ikoku-meiro-no-croisee-yune Moe AwardHeart Award
Ikoku Meiro no Croisée
char-sword-art-online-asuna Forever AwardMoe AwardCool AwardSmart Award
Yuuki Asuna
Sword Art Online

No, there is no award for any character from Naruto, One Piece, FMA, Code Geass or Bleach. I simply don’t like them.


7 thoughts on “Anime Awards

  1. Well, I do not truely love bleach (for the anime whole stories as well) .. I just love Rukia as the great character there .. but, that’s ok if there’s no her there. At least, my fave one : Noriko Tachiki get 3 awards 🙂

  2. how about watching Oreimo, Wind a Breath of Heart, Heroman, High School of the Dead and H2O Footprints in the Sand? these are some of the few but i have more on my list if you’d like =D btw im also from Indonesia Jakarta 🙂

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