In a coincidental meeting, Nagase Junichi rescued a cute girl from two boys trying to bully her. Acting cool, he left her without even learning her name.
The next day, the rescued girl named Katagiri Yuuhi appeared in Junichi’s class as the new transfer student. Soon she becomes the center of everyone’s attention, and due to a series of stupid misunderstanding, Junichi ended up kissing her the following day. It was the night after the kissing incident, Yuuhi went to the house of her “fiancee” from her father arrangement. Guess who the fiancee is? Yeah, you are right ! Junichi is Yuuhi’s fiancee. To add the story, Junichi is living together with his younger sister, Nagase Minato. A typical cute little sister in most other anime. And yes, she has a crush on him too. So the story begins… A fun combination of love triangle, friendship and moe factor. The music is good, quickly likeable, but also quickly forgettable. Recommended for age 13+ My rating : ★★★☆☆ Seiyuu
Alternative Title Links You are listening to Hatsukoi Parachute by Hashimoto Miyuki (opening theme) |