Outbreak Company 11









So Shinichi’s school successfully bring otaku culture to Eldant. Students are addicted to anime and manga. Strangely, the supply from Japan is getting less and less everyday. Shinichi complains to Matoba asking him to provide more materials. Then Matoba reveals the true intention of Japanese government: to invade Eldant for its natural resources. Invasion was the goal from the beginning, and it never changed. The only thing changed is the method. Japan realizes that if they use their military, other countries might become aware of the existence of Eldant and they can’t risk that.

The new method is to invade Eldant using culture, to make people of Eldant incapable of “functioning” normally without receiving the latest materials of anime and manga from Japan. With this dependency, practically Japan can control anything in Eldant.

Big shock? Not really. I always guessed there must be some political background behind all these, and turns out it is true. The biggest surprise for me is… a government is actually approving a plan to use commercial product (like anime and manga) for a strategic operation of this scale.

To add even more bad news, Matoba explains that Shinichi was chosen for this job because “the higher-ups” want someone who they can get rid off easily when they’re no longer useful. Shinichi was shocked (naturally) and can’t hide his disappointment even in front of Petralka. Next, Shinichi becomes a hikikomori (a shut-in) again.

Miusel is our savior this episode. Her pure dedication to serve her master returns Shinichi’s self-confidence. And he has a solution to continue spreading otaku culture without allowing invasion. Shinichi proposes to Petralka that Eldant should continue embracing otaku culture, but instead of relying on materials from Japan, Eldant should create its own anime and manga (and visual novel) original materials. Not a bad idea, I must say. But I doubt “the higher-ups” will just stand and watch. Using military force is again a possibility. Last week we saw the scene when JSDF chased away a dragon, and the power of their weapons caught Galius and Zakhar’s attention. I’m quite sure that scene must mean something for the finale.


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