This episode is about Mirai trying to change herself. After seeing Akihito’s hidden side, she decides that she too can learn to connect with other people. Starting with joining the Literature Club, Mirai tries hard to be on friendly terms with Mitsuki.
For violating the rule of not going outside the house when Hollow Shadow appeared, Mirai is suspended for a month by Izumi. Means, Mirai can’t sell stones from defeating youmu (dreamshades) within a month. It’s funny. Considering this “punishment” is decided by a person who stole the Hollow Shadow’s stone from Mirai.
Mitsuki has another issue fo her own. She thinks that all spirit hunters will always be alone, and therefore tries to keep a distance from Mirai. She insists that her close relationship with Akihito is for the sake of “monitoring” a potentially-dangerous youmu.
While the entire episode feels rather calm. I can’t help to think that this is the beginning of something really dark behind the surface.