After few “calm” episodes, we finally enter “the main course” of this anime. Episode 6 still started with light topic of Ledo trying to figure out how to use money. Then he got an offer to do “savaging”, which is basically obtaining stuff from the bottom of the sea (from sunken ship or other objects from the time before the big disaster which make the world all-water). Right after the offer, for the first time Ledo sees a cooked octopus, which looks similar to Hideauze (enemy of mankind from Ledo’s perspective).
At the beginning of episode 7, Ledo sees a whalesquid (a giant version of squid) when doing salvaging with Bellows. Since Ledo spent his lifetime fighting Hideauze (which has the same form as whalesquid), he attacks and kill it. Apparently, humans on Earth try to avoid problems with whalesquid (considered as sacred creatures) and there’s an unwritten rule to never provoke them. Now that one whalesquid is killed, people in Gargantia fleet comes to panic state. Their worries are not without reason. Within few hours, a huge number of whalesquids appear, and the fleet could be wiped-out if Gargantia’s Commodore does not order a complete blackout (turning off engine and lights hoping those whalesquids will not notice them).
After killing a whalesquid, Ledo took a sample of the remaining of it’s splattered body to be analyzed. The result is: genetic data of Earth’s whalesquid is actually identical to genetic data of Hideauze. So they are the SAME species, not just lookalike.
Luckily, the blackout strategy works. But some ships want to separate from Gargantia fleet because of this incident. Pinion manages to convince the Flange (owner of many ships in Gargantia fleet) to loot whalesquids territory, an underwater area usually protected by whalesquids and no humans dare to go near. He believe they might be huge treasure there. But I think there might be some lost knowledge from mankind before the great catastrophe being protected by whalesquids to prevent “current” human civilization to advance beyond “primitive”.
To make things worse, Gargantia’s Commodore dies of heart attack, leaving the leadership on young Ridget (previously vice-commander).
And so the separation happens. Melty, one of Amy’s best friends have to leave because her home and her grandma is located in one of Flange’s ships. Pinion and Ledo (with Chamber, naturally) joins Flange’s new fleet too, preparing for a great battle against whalesquids to retrieve lost information from bygone era.