In a world where both magic and science-based espers exist, Kamijou Touma, is a student in Academy City, a place where students learn to develop superhuman ability by the help of science. He himself still a level 0 student (no ability), but his right hand is turned out to have the power to negate any ability, no power how powerful it is.
Our heroine, Index, is a girl who has 103,000 magic books stored inside her mind. She has the capability to completely memorized anything she read. This powerful knowledge makes her being chased by a magic society. We also have Misaka Mikoto, a female student with very strong esper ability (she’s level 5). She can produce and manipulate electricity any way she likes. This anime setting is the same place and time as the setting of another title To Aru Kagaku no Railgun. A very interesting anime with rather complex storyline, deep character development and lots of cool actions. Recommended for all ages. My rating : ★★★☆☆ Seiyuu
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