There are two ways to save Yato. One, Yato must erase Yukine’s name and slay him. Two, by performing ablution (a ceremony to expel blight). Since Yato clearly choose to die rather than punishing Yukine, then the only option left is ablution.
Ablution ceremony needs three shinkis. So Daikoku goes to visit many shrines, asking help from other Gods’ shinkis. Only one shinki is willing to help Yato: Mayu (she used to be Yato’s shinki). Upon hearing that Daikoku could not find the third shinki, Hiyori rushes to Bishamon’s shrine, asking for Kazuma’s help. To my surprise, Kazuma actually come to help.
So now we have three shinkis, and they start performing ablution by entrapping Yukine inside a triangle of barrier. For Yukine who is in the process of transforming into an ayakashi, it seems to be very painful being inside that triangle. For ablution to work, Yukine must regret all his past mistakes and confess all his wrongdoings. It doesn’t seem to work as Yukine insists he didn’t do anything wrong. Until a little drama initiated by Hiyori’s intervention finally bring him back to the good side.
Now Yukine is saved. He confesses all his mistakes and repeatedly apologizes. When a person apologizes with all his heart, I generally believe he deserve a forgiveness. However, earning back the lost respect is a totally different issue here, it doesn’t come in a package with forgiveness. So while I’m happy to see Yukine back to the good side and everyone forgave his past mistakes, I can’t seem to have any respect to him anymore. He remains my least favorite character in this series.